Vikas Gola, Kapil Gaur, Jaya Juneja, Richa Gupta, Kshitija Iyer, Rashi Nigam, Eluri Bhavya, Lincy Jessica and Sakshi Behal
The development of post exposure medical specialty for a good kind of high-consequence pathogens are of important importance to counteract mortality and morbidity related to these pathogens and to enhance biological security. Any broad-spectrum medicine intervention that could mitigate the results of multiple potential bio-threat agents would represent a big breakthrough in each the understanding and treatment of the infections caused by rising infectious diseases and bio-threat agents. Necrobiosis has repeatedly been shown as a standard pathological feature of a good kind of various high-consequence pathogens that cover both infectious agent and microorganism bio-threat agents. During this abstract, we tend to examine the proof establishing this unhealthful commonality and discuss potential implications that this shared feature would possibly suggest for therapeutic intervention.