
In Vivo Anticoagulant Activity ofM Meriandra dianthera and its Sub-Acute Toxicological Effect on Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Rabbits

Filmon Kiflezghi Kiflemariam, Abiel Ghebrehiwet Tewelde, Ali Mahmud Hamid, Bilal Mussa Beshir, Samrawit Negasi Solomon, Tesfu Gonets Eman, Daniel Mebrahtu Abraha, Russom Kahsu, John Issac, Jeevan Jyoti Kaushik, Oliver Akoth Achila

Extraction of potent bioactive compounds from medicinal plants permits the evaluation of their biological activity thereby aiding in the development of an effective drugs with less toxicity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vivo anticoagulant activity of Meriandra dianthera and its sub-acute toxicological effect on hematological and biochemical parameters in Rabbits. Adult age-matched white rabbits of both sexes were randomly divided into five groups (n=4). Rabbits of the first, second, and third groups were treated orally with an aqueous extract of Meriandra dianthera at a dose rate of 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, and 400 mg/kg body weight respectively for 14 days. The control groups were treated with normal saline and heparin which served as negative and positive controls respectively. The animals in all groups were observed daily for signs of toxicity and mortality during the study period and their post extract administration effect on coagulation, hematological and biochemical parameters were examined. Rabbits receiving a crude extract of Meriandra dianthera at a dose of 400 mg/kg for the study period showed a significant increase in APTT, while the change in the PT value at all concentrations was found to be not significant. No adverse effects and also no significant change was observed in all the measured hematological and biochemical parameters after 14 days of the experimental period. It is therefore concluded that aqueous leaf extract of Meriandra dianthera has good in vivo anticoagulant activity and 14-days oral administration of the plant does not cause toxicity.