本研究的目的是探讨古邦(西帝汶 Desa Bipolo Kecamatan Sulamu 和印度尼西亚东努沙登加拉 Kelurahan Sikumana Kota Kupang)周围两个社会中妇女参与照顾婴儿(或)新生儿(0-28 天)的情况。
采用案例研究方法的定性研究来评估妇女在照顾新生儿方面的知识。选择 5 名有新生儿的妇女作为人群,并进行有目的的抽样以选择受访者。通过对母亲进行结构化访谈的方式收集数据。此外,数据分析分为三个阶段,包括数据整理、显示数据和得出结论/验证。
已知的 3 个主题与妇女照顾新生儿的经历有关。它们是新生儿检查或探访、产后妇女的营养以及母亲的知识水平。这项研究的结果表明,受访者不仅从未接受过 NTT 地区政府标准规定的卫生工作者的探访,而且也从未接受过如何照顾和喂养新生儿的教育。卫生工作者或管理层(在本例中为省和区卫生办公室)应开展进一步研究,以鼓励母亲和家庭遵守政府规定的标准来照顾新生儿。卫生工作者可能会通过产前教育来设计指导方针和咨询,以降低社区的婴儿死亡率。村长可能会坚持认为,社区特别是孕妇在新生儿期间至少要到卫生机构就诊 3 次。卫生工作者可能会在新生儿出生后的第一周至少拜访 3 次有新生儿的家庭。 2015 年千年发展目标 (MDG) 之一就是降低儿童死亡率。全球婴儿死亡率已从 1990 年每 1000 个活产婴儿死亡 63 人大幅下降至 2015 年每 1000 个活产婴儿死亡 32 人。印度尼西亚儿童死亡率指标包括新生儿死亡率、婴儿死亡率和五岁以下儿童死亡率。
Indonesian Government emphasizes on decreasing neonatal age 0-28 days’ mortality rate because 59 % of infant death is caused by neonatal mortality rate. Health Survey of Demography2012showed that neonatal mortality rate was 19 per 1.000 live births; it was equal with the Neonatal Mortality Rate in 2007. Meanwhile, based on the Health survey in 2002-2003, Neonatal Mortality Rate was 20 per 1.000 live births and was only decrease 1 point when compared to the result of a health survey of demography in 2012. Furthermore, the result of population census in 2015 showed that Infant Mortality Rate was 22-25 per 1.000 live birth means MDGs target to decrease until 23 per 1.000 live births has been achieved in Indonesia. The infant mortality rate has also been declining in other Province all over Indonesia. In 1994 the infant mortality rate in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province was 71 per 1,000 live births dropped successively to 60 per 1,000 live births in 1997; fell again to 59 per 1,000 live births between the year of 2002 to 2003, and 57 per 1,000 live births in 2007. Based on population census in the year 2010 infant mortality rate was dropped to 39 per 1,000 live births. Meanwhile, the infant mortality rate in NTT fluctuates from 2011 to 2015. The number of cases in 2011 was 1272 out of 93.531 live births. This number of cases increased to 1350 per 97.131live births in 2012, and 1367 cases out of 77 525 live births in 2013.
The infant mortality ratio increased again from 1408 (or) 15 per 1000 live birth in 2014 to 1568 (or) 12 per 1000 live birth in 2015. Those data reflected that the infant mortality rate in NTT is still high compare to other Province in Indonesia. Sumba Timur District was contributed to the highest number of cases of infant mortality with 88 cases in 2014 followed by Kupang regency 43 cases in 2014, which increased to 63 cases in 2015. It was the reason to choose Kupang regency as a sample in this study. The two leading causes of infant mortality are prematurity and infection. Causes of neonatal death in Indonesia are Asphyxia in 0-6 days (37%), prematurity (34%), and sepsis (12%). Neonatal is the most vulnerable age group that needs more attention. Indonesian Government has put a lot of struggle to decrease infant and maternal death. Many strategies that have been implemented by the Government are assisted delivery, neonatal visitation (0-28 days) by health workers at least 3 times, and implemented early initiation of breastfeeding.
5 位产后母亲同意参与本研究。两位参与者住在帝汶岛;两位住在罗特岛;一位来自芒加莱-弗洛雷斯岛。她们的年龄从 20 岁到 33 岁不等。五位母亲中有四位是新教徒,一位是天主教徒。两位参与者高中毕业,一位初中毕业,两位小学毕业。四位参与者是家庭主妇,一位是农民。所有妇女都已婚。两位丈夫是农民,其他丈夫分别是司机、出租车司机和失业者。只有一位参与者是初为人母。对于 2 位参与者来说,这是她们的第二个孩子;一位已经生过 4 次孩子,一位已经生过 6 次孩子。两位参与者住在 Bipolo Kupang 村,其他住在 Sikumana。三位妇女在传统助产士或巫师的帮助下在家中分娩;同时,一位在医院分娩,一位在助产士的帮助下在卫生中心分娩。根据母亲对新生儿护理的知识进行主题分析。发现几个严重问题,包括新生儿在出生后 28 天内未按照政府建议送往医疗机构 3 次;母亲在产后期间食物摄入不足导致婴儿奶水质量差;脐带残端护理不当;感染;以及母亲缺乏基本营养知识。根据对这些数据的分析,确定了三个主题:
• 新生儿检查或探访
• 牛奶品质
• 母亲的知识。
每一个主题都会重点讨论参与者照顾婴儿的经历。虽然是分开讨论的,但这些主题是相互关联的。婴儿健康检查和新生儿问诊 采访以一个问题开始:“请问您如何检查婴儿的健康状况?” 该成员对带婴儿去健康中心检查的价值了解甚少。他们中的大多数人说,只要婴儿健康,就没有必要带他们去健康中心检查。1 名参与者说,即使婴儿不健康,她也从不检查婴儿的不适。这是因为他们的风俗习惯。
注:本研究部分成果于 2018 年 5 月 14 日至 15 日在新加坡举行的第 30届新生儿护理和产妇保健全球专家会议上发表