
2017 年营养与健康:三种传统香料的近似成分和矿物质成分测定 - Onimawo I A- 尼日利亚埃多州埃克波马 Ambrose Alli 大学副校长


姜,俗称生姜,属于姜科,在印度、中国、东南亚和世界其他地区有商业种植。它被广泛用作香料和调味剂,具有多种药用价值。大蒜(Allium sativum)是洋葱科的一种,用于烹饪和腌制调味,有时以整瓣/磨碎的蒜瓣形式使用,有时以煮熟的提取物形式使用,如酱和调味品。它具有典型的辛辣香料味,烹饪后味道会变得醇厚,糖衣味十足。在尼日利亚当地,大蒜经常与生姜搭配,做炖菜和汤。

大蒜可作为添加剂或用于烘焙食品、布丁、汤、炖菜、肉制品、非酒精饮料肉汁和软糖的制作。在医学上,大蒜可用作消化兴奋剂、利尿剂和解痉剂。肉豆蔻属于番荔枝科,是西非常绿森林中最重要的树种之一。它原产于尼日利亚,约鲁巴人将其种子称为 ehuruorehirorabo-lakoshe。这种种子是烹饪中常用的香料,可以调味和增稠菜肴。在药用上,这种根可咀嚼以缓解牙痛和肿胀。它还用于治疗贫血、痔疮和性功能障碍。因此,本研究将有助于了解这些传统香料的营养成分。





Mineral contented the different traditional spice samples was assessed following the method of Pear son. et al. (1981). About 1.5g of the sample was burned in a Muffle furnace for 6 hours at 550ºC and the resultant ash was cooled in the desiccator after which, 0.1M HCl solution was added to thee break up the ash. It was then clean through acid and washed with Whatman paper No. 1 into 100ml volumetric flask, and diluted to 100ml by distilled water. Results Ash signifies the mineral matter left after feeds are burnt in the oxygen and this used as a measure of the mineral content in any sample. African nutmeg was found to have highest ash content (1.39%) compared to the ginger and garlic This means that African nutmeg have good mineral content, and thus serves as a viable tool for nutritional evaluation.This value from the ash content in African nutmeg is lower than the 4.52% reported by the Enwereuzoh. They had earlier postulated that such differences may arise from differences in soil micronutrients and it could also be partly credited to the method of analyses. The solution was studied for some metals with different hollow cathode lamps for calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) used by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer while sodium (Na) content was determined using a Flame Photometer.

The data obtained that this study were subjected to one-way analysis of variance.  Results were recorded by they mean ± standard determination of two-repeated determinations.

Discussion and Conclusion

The proximate and some mineral compositions of 3 different traditional spices  garlic, ginger and African nutmeg (Monodora myristica)was investigated in this study and marks of the observations are summarised. Moisture contented in any food is an index of its water activity and it is used as a measure of stability and susceptibility to bacterial contamination. Ash characterises the mineral matter left after feeds are burnt in oxygen and It is used as a measure of the mineral content in any sample. Crude fat (lipid) contented that the African nutmeg was known the highest than those of ginger and garlic From this stud and it was observed that the lipid content of Monodora myristica (46.48%) was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than that of garlic (6.13%) and ginger


注:第九届国际营养与健康大会于 2017 年 2 月 20 日至 21 日在德国柏林举行。

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