
营养与健康 2018:野生药用植物 Ziziphora tenuior L 的抗氧化活性评估及利用植物组织培养提高其活性 - Abdulkarim Dakah - 大马士革大学


活性氧 (ROS) 是正常代谢的副产物。ROS 还会在细胞中产生,以响应多种因素,包括氧化和热应激、紫外线和电离辐射。氧化应激会损害 DNA、细胞功能,包括脂质和蛋白质过氧化以及谷胱甘肽水平问题。此外,ROS 还会导致癌症、糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化、炎症性疾病和衰老。ROS 分为自由基种类,例如超氧阴离子自由基、羟基自由基和参与氧化反应的非自由基种类,例如单线态氧。氧化损伤可以通过酶促机制(例如超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶)或以天然产物形式存在的抗氧化剂来减少。

1000 年来,药用植物在治疗疾病和健康病痛方面发挥着重要作用,在世界各地的传统医学组织中仍然占有重要地位。随着对此类天然产品的消费需求不断增加,充足供应含有稳定质量的有价值天然产品的植物原料变得非常困难。因此,世界各地的实验室都在尝试从植物组织培养物中生产次生代谢产物,用于有利可图的应用(Wink 等人,2005 年,Alfermann,2009 年),作为田间或温室中生产的植物的替代品或补充。

植物组织培养是将小块活组织从生物体中分离出来并在受控条件下在营养培养基中无限期无菌生长的过程(Ali 等人,2007 年)。体外培养植物是许多实验的必要步骤,例如微繁殖、无病毒植物的创造和遗传转化。(Georgieva 等人,1996 年)。


本研究在大马士革大学科学学院和植物生物学系的植物组织培养和分子生物学实验室进行。萘乙酸 (NAA)、吲哚-3-丁酸 (IBA)、激动素 (Kin)、苄基腺嘌呤 (BA) 和 2,2-二苯基-1-苦基肼 (DPPH) 均购自 Sigma–Aldrich GmbH(德国慕尼黑)。


Aerial parts of wild and in vitro plants were dry to the ground by pistil and mortar to a soft powder. For the aqueous extract, 5 g of powder was immersed in 100 ml of distilled water. The free radical foraging activity of samples was measured by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), following this method described by Blois (1958) with some changes (Laouini et al., 2012). DPPH is reduced to hydrazine when it reacts with hydrogen donors. Briefly serial dilutions (10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 mg/ml) of samples (aqueous and methanol extracts) were verified for radical scavenging activity. 0.2 mM DPPH was ready in methanol and 500 μl of this solution was added to the 1000 μl of a sample at different absorptions.

3. Results

Auxins are known to exhibit a important effect on a callus development from leaf explants. 1.5 mg/L of NAA was the best absorption for all callus introductions with 70.2% ± 0.28 of leaf explants whereas 2 mg/L of NAA reduced the callus developed up to 60%. The treatment with 2 mg/L of IBA led to an increase in callus formation percentage of 62.1, while the growing regulator free MS average did not show any callus formation to the leaf explants died after 10 days of culture.

Different absorptions of BA induced to shoot the formation from the callus without root formation while MS medium without growth regulator did not show any shoot introduction.

4. Discussion

Callus is a mass of undistinguishable cells, which are moulded in vitro from an explant tissue cultured on nutrient medium added with suitable plant growth regulators (PGRs) during a dedifferentiation process. The difference incallus to differentiated organs is a complex process controlled by many factors. Most of the antioxidant activity is due to secondary metabolites especially phenolic compounds and some terpenes (Marzouk et al., 2007, Awaad and Al-Jaber, 2010). Our results showed that the IC50 value of aqueous and methanol abstracts of wild Z. tenuior were 0.516 and 9.22 mg/ml, respectively. An increase of the concentration of Kin led to a decrease in the number of sprouts and this corresponds with findings of Ozudogru and his colleagues (Ozudogru et al., 2011(. Steephen and his group showed that the increasing concentration of BA above 1 mg/L led to callus formation and decreased shoot development of Vitex negundo L. (Steephen et al., 2010).

水提取物与甲醇提取物相比表现出强抗氧化活性,这可能是由于抗氧化化合物在水中的溶解度更高。Wong 和他的同事发现,来自 30 种药用植物的 23 种水提取物的抗氧化活性高于甲醇提取物(Wong 等人,2006 年)。本研究结果表明,Z. tenuior 体外繁殖植物提取物的自由基搜索能力比野生植物的水提取物和甲醇提取物更强。Z. tenuior 中负责抗氧化活性的成分尚未确定。因此,需要进一步研究以鉴定和分离抗氧化剂中相应的抗氧化成分。

5. 结论

总之,目前的研究表明,Z. tenuior 的体外微繁殖是快速繁殖该物种的可靠方法。在目前的研究中,Z. tenuior 首次进行了体外培养,经过四个亚培养周期的繁殖,可以从一个外植体中获得超过 314 株植物。此程序将有助于快速大规模繁殖。我们还可以使用植物组织培养来增加活性物质,我们的结果表明,与起始材料相比,体外产生的植物的水提取物显示出抗氧化活性的增加。

注:第九届国际营养与健康大会于 2018 年 7 月 9 日至 10 日在澳大利亚悉尼举行。

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