
2015 年营养大会:尼日利亚一些流行熏制鱼中多环芳烃的浓度 - FI Bassey - 卡拉巴尔大学


多环芳烃或多核芳烃 (PAH) 是海洋和陆地环境中普遍存在的环境污染物,是在含碳物质不完全燃烧过程中形成的。亲脂性、半挥发性和持久性是这些污染物的特征。众所周知,PAH 会因吸收而积聚在鱼类的脂肪组织中。它们还具有化学稳定性,这是它们对活组织中脂质的亲和力的一部分。因此,鱼类是沿海水域污染的良好指标,因此被广泛用于环境监测。多环芳烃的应用明确了尼日利亚市场上 9 种流行的熏制鱼类 Clariasgari epinus、Paranchana obscura、Heterotis niloticus、Sardinella sp. Scrombus、Psudotholitus niloticus、Ethmolosa fimbrata,旨在提供有关食用这些产品所带来的健康风险的信息。采用二氯甲烷/己烷提取和净化后,用火焰离子化显示 (GC-FID) 气相色谱法对 PAHs 进行分析。这些物种的 Σ16 PAHs 浓度在 52.4 μg kg-1 至 1225.9 μg kg-1 范围内,而八种致癌 PAHs (PAH8) 的浓度在未检测到至 530.8 μg kg-1 范围内。根据食物中 PAHs 出现的任何指标 (BaP、PAH2、PAH4、PAH8) 估计的每日摄入量范围为 nd-184 mg kg-1 bw day-1。Clariasgari epinus、Gymnarchus niloticus 和 Ethmolosa fimbriata 的数字披露边际 (MOE) 值为 10,000,这表明消费者的健康受到了严重关注。

In this study, the spike retrievals of the PAH compounds ranged from 78.6 to 104.2%. The relative standard deviations for replicate analyses (n ~ 3) were less than 9%. The detection and quantification limits were evaluated on the basis of noise obtained with the analysis of a blank sample (n ~ 4). The detection and quantification limits were defined as the concentration of the analyte that produced a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 and 10, respectively. The r2 values for the calibration lines for the PAH compounds ranged between 0.9992 and 0.9999, while the limits of detection and quantification for the PAH compounds ranged from 0.03 to 0.06 and 0.1 to 0.2 mg kg21, respectively. The performance characteristics of the present method meet the criteria specified in the European Commission Regulation 836/2011 (recovery between 50 and 120%). The mean concentrations of the S16 PAHs measured within the selected popular fish species within the Nigerian market. The concentrations and profiles of PAHs in these fish species varied significantly (P, 0.05) within a given fish species and among the various species studied. The concentrations of S16 PAHs in these fish species varied between 6.8 and 532.3 mg kg21. In this study, one specimen of tilapia had an exceptionally higher concentration of S16 PAHs than either other tilapia specimens or fish species investigated. The lowest and highest concentrations of S16 PAHs were found in the tilapia samples. In this study, tilapia and sardine samples have higher mean concentrations of S16 PAHs than other fish species examined. This could be associated partly with the fat content and feeding habits. The tilapia is benthopelagic, while S. aurita prefers rocky bottom and omnivore feeding habits. The accumulation and depuration of PAHs in fish tissues is a function of the fat content, route and duration of exposure, environmental factors, and difference in species, age, sex, and exposure to other xenobiotics. In this study, the freshwater fish species had higher average concentrations of PAHs than those sourced from the marine environment.

膳食摄入量估计和风险评估:表 2 显示了根据建议的 PAH 指标估计的 PAH 每日摄入量。通过食用鱼类摄入建议的 PAH 指标,BaP、PAH2、PAH4 和 PAH8 的每日摄入量分别为未检测到 4.9、0.7 至 11.3、1.9 至 15.3 和 3.7 至 23.2 ng kg21 bw day21。BaP 和 PAH8 的最高摄入量来自食用沙丁鱼,而 PAH2 和 PAH4 的最高摄入量来自食用罗非鱼。在本研究中,与所研究的其他鱼类相比,食用沙丁鱼和罗非鱼的 PAH 摄入量更高。本研究中估算的 BaP 每日摄入量低于印度通过食用鱼类摄入的 PAH 平均摄入量(1.77 至 10.7 ng/kg21 bw/day21)。Llobet 等人报道,西班牙加泰罗尼亚不同年龄和性别人群通过食用鱼类和海产品摄入的 PAH 每日摄入量为 3.3 至 5.3 ng/kg21 bw/day21。Akpambang 等人报道,尼日利亚人类每天食用 100 克熏鱼或烤鱼,其 BaP 每日暴露量为 1.2 至 52.0 ng/kg21 bw/day21 和 PAH8 每日暴露量为 21 至 269.8 ng/kg21 bw/day21,这略高于本研究中估算的每日暴露量。但是,必须记住,一旦鱼煮熟,PAH 的含量可能会更高。Saeed 等人报道称,科威特通过食用鱼类摄入的 PAH 平均每日摄入量为 231 ng/天21。Moon 等人报道,韩国通过食用鱼类摄入的 PAH 每日摄入量为 13.8 至 16.7 ng/kg21 体重/天21。基于 BaP、PAH2、PAH4 和 PAH8 估算的 MOE 列于表 2。如表 2 所示,鱼的 BaP、PAH2、PAH4 和 PAH8 MOE 值大于 10,000,这表明食用这些鱼种没有潜在风险。本研究结果表明,尼日利亚大多数流行食用的鱼类并未受到 PAH 的严重污染。23% 的这些鱼类中含有 BaP,其浓度高于欧盟委员会允许的限值 2.0 mg/kg21。总体而言,大多数鱼种的 PAH 出现和影响的建议指标浓度都较低。使用不同的发生和影响指标获得的这些鱼类中相当一部分的估计 MOE 值大于 10,000,这表明摄入这些鱼类不会造成健康危害。

注:该研究部分在 2015 年 10 月 26 日至 28 日在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥举行的第四届国际营养会议和展览会上展示。

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