
Outcome Analysis Following Iliac Endarterectomy with Ileofemoral Bypass in Patients with TASC C and D Iliac Disease

Sridhar M, Sritharan N, Prathap Kumar S and Devarajan I

Objective: Aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes following unilateral iliac revascularization by iliac endarterectomy followed by ileo-femoral bypass in patients with TASC C and TASC D Aorto-iliac lesion, with respect to patency and limb salvage.

Method of study: Prospective study.

Results: A total of 26 patients underwent unilateral iliac intervention during the period from August 2016 to January 2017. Mean age at presentation was 68 years (range 45-78). Primary graft patency rate was 92% at end of 1 year. Limb salvaged rate was 100%. No early graft failure was seen. Late graft failure was seen in one patient.

Conclusion: Unilateral iliac revascularization is a viable option in patients with TASC C and D Aorto- iliac lesions, not amenable to endovascular therapy and severe comorbidities.

Keywords: Iliac endarterectomy; CLI; TASC C and D iliac disease