Goncalves MA, Leal D, Costa S, Borges de Meneses ED
Bioethicists emphasized the principle of autonomy in clinical practice as a duty of the physician and the inalienable right of the patient. However, in emergency situations, clinical judgment often privileges the principle of beneficence, in pursue to save lives.
The authors describe three real, imminent and life-threatening clinical situations. Then, it was asked doctors, patients, family members and bioethicists about their judgment of the clinical actions taken. Doctors, patients and their families agreed on almost all answers. Bioethicists, on the other hand, had more opposing evaluations. Is bioethics swerving from patients’ will and from clinical practice reality?
Paul Ricouer's thought deserves the authors reflexion on its phronesis dimension. Acting with prudence and providing an humanized clinical practice lead us to find the recta ratio agibilium (the line of reason of those who act).