
The Types of Natural Resources on Terrestrial Planets and Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Hadi Veysi

In addition to energy resources, natural resources such as metals, metalloids, non-metals, hydrocarbons, etc. are among the elements needed for the creation of a civilization. One of the important debates about intelligent life is to know how extraterrestrial civilizations provide the energy and natural resources needed for their development. Previous studies have not discussed much about the ways which intelligent civilizations can access their energy and natural resources. This study discussed the types of natural resources on terrestrial planets and the types of extraterrestrial civilizations that could use them. The results showed that the type of natural resources in terrestrial planets depends on the amount of liquid water, crust lithology, tectonics style, and the presence of microorganisms on the surface of these planets. Among all types of terrestrial planets, plate tectonics style silicate planets have the most complete natural resources. So these planets can be good targets for the natural resources supply of hominid and superhuman extraterrestrial civilizations. Other terrestrial planets such as carbon planets, coreless planets, iron planets, moons and icy dwarf planets, and even gaseous giant planets, although not be civilizable, but have large natural resources that can be used by superhuman civilizations.