
Tissue Biomineralization as a Mechanism Leading to Cancer Development

Maciej Pawlikowski

This article summarizes the results of many years of studies on biomineralization in chosen cancers. They were conducted on cancers of skin, lungs, mouth, kidney, prostate, thyroid, connective tissue and others, using modern methods of mineralogy and histology.

Obtained results indicate that two types of biomineralization are present in cancer areas: hidden and visible biomineralization. Hidden biomineralization does not manifest as grains or mineral crystals in the tissue. It is present in the form of elevated levels of elements and compounds in the body fluids as well as elements incorporated into the atomic structures of the tissue.

Visible biomineralization is the next stage. It builds up as a result of continued development of hidden biomineralization, leading to the formation of mineral grains, crystals, etc.

Tissue biomineralization with various substances, including so called carcinogens, can lead to DNA modification in the section responsible for cell multiplication. That in turn can cause a DNA defect, accelerating the cell proliferation rate. The result is uncontrolled cell multiplication, causing development of cancerous tissue in the organ.

Depending on which cells are mutated, which DNA section gets defected, and what substance (carcinogen) is built into the DNA during cell proliferation, a wide spectrum of cancers can develop even within one organ. Described phenomenon results in huge variety of types of cancer.