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Bacterial Blood Stream Infection in Southern Ethiopia

Mengistu Hailemariam*, Tsegaye Alemayehu, Asnakech Agegnehu, Mulubrhan Ali, Enkosilassie Mitiku, Elshaday Azerefegne

Background: Children’s blood stream infections mainly due to resistant pathogens found to be a higher risk of hospital mortality in low and middle income countries. This study intended to assess the bacterial profile and drug resistance of isolates of blood stream infection among under- 5 children in Southern Ethiopia.

Methods: Retrospectively lab recorded data’s were retrieved to assess the bacterial isolates and rates antibiotic resistance at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital.

Results: Of 323 bloods culture performed 116 (35.9%) were positive for potential bacterial BSI. Positivity of blood culture decrease with age, hence neonates blood stream infection stream infection were higher than other age groups (OR, 3; 95% CI 1.5–5.1; p=0.001). The major gram positive isolate CoNS and S. aureus have shown highest level of resistance to penicillin 61.3% and tetracycline 78.8% whereas less level of resistance was reported to Meropenem 6.4%, Ceftriaxone 13% and doxycycline 13%. Although most of gram negatives isolates were resistant for tested antibiotics, K. pneumoniae has shown leaser resistance to cefotaxime and chloramphenicol.

Conclusion: A high level of blood stream infection accompanied by high drug resistant isolates was reported. The great burden in neonate than other children was reported. As a result to reduce the burden the hospital administrators need to facilities effective infection prevention and control programmes, effective hygiene practices and well-functioning environment along with educating patient about proper hygiene practices.

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