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Biological activity of andalin (flucycloxuron), a novel chitin synthesis inhibitor, on Red Cotton Stainer Dysdercus koenigii (Fabricius

Khan I,*Qamar A

Toxicity and morphogenetic effects at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.05%, 0.025%, 0.01%, 0.005%, 0.0025%) of Andalin (Flucycloxuron) were evaluated topically on the dorsal surface against fifth instar nymphs of Dysdercus koenigii (Fabr.). The data showed that Andalin was found to be toxic at all the above mentioned concentrations, the LC50 and LC90 were found to be 0.012% and 0.094% respectively. At 0.1% concentration, adult emergence was inhibited completely with delayed metamorphosis, characterized by partial moulting and abnormal wing development. Whereas, at lower concentrations the apparently normal adults showed delayed reproductive effects such as lower fecundity and zero hatchability as compared to control batches. These results highlight the need for judicious use of the compound Andalin in the management of D. koenigii and other similar polyphagous pests.