
Comparison of Relative α-Power Spectral Electroencephalogram Activity Analysis According to Electrical Stimulation Levels in Normal Adults

Hee-Kyung Jin and Sung-Hyoun Cho

Objective: To investigate the effect of interferential current (IFC) stimulation level on electroencephalogram (EEG) activation.
Method: An adhesive 2-pole electrode pad was placed at the T1~T4 spinal cord segment level and electrical stimulation was applied for 20 minutes to 45 healthy male and female adults recruited from N University located in Gwangju Metropolitan City. Changes in EEG activation were analyzed before stimulation, immediately after stimulation and at 30 minutes after stimulation. This study was performed in three groups: sensory level stimulus group (100 bps, 10~12 mA), exercise level stimulus group (5 bps, 45~50 mA), and noxious level stimulus group (100 bps, 80~90 mA).
Results: After IFC stimulation, subjects in each group showed significant differences in terms of the retention time of relative alpha power from each brain region and between-group interaction effects. Changes in EEG activation were different depending on the type of IFC stimulation (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Electrical stimulation parameters in clinical practice should be selectively applied based on diverse changes and conditions.