
2020年食品峰会:促进宠物大脑健康衰老的最佳营养 - 潘元龙 - 雀巢普瑞纳研究中心


衰老会影响人类和动物(包括狗和猫)的所有组织和器官。一些老年狗和猫最终会出现认知障碍和痴呆症,称为认知功能障碍综合征 (CDS),这种疾病类似于人类的阿尔茨海默病。由于 CDS 是一种无法治愈的疾病,我们的非侵入性研究一直专注于促进狗和猫大脑健康衰老的营养策略。我们开发了两种营养解决方案来增强狗和猫的认知功能。第一种解决方案是通过喂养中链甘油三酯 (MCT) 来解决衰老脑细胞利用葡萄糖作为能量的能力下降的问题,我们的研究证实 MCT 可以增强老年狗的认知能力。第二种营养解决方案是尽量减少与大脑衰老相关的已知风险因素。由于存在多种风险因素,我们开发了一种针对这些风险因素的营养混合物,并证实该营养混合物可显著增强中老年猫的认知功能。总之,研究表明,最佳营养可以增强健康老年狗和猫的认知功能。我们为宠物开发的营养将有助于促进为人类开发类似的营养解决方案。



The solution, a new Brain Protection Blend™ (BPB), is a nutritional enrichment that targets metabolic changes and risk factors linked to brain aging. It is designed for pets to start consuming in middle age.  The BPB can help maintain cognitive functions, such as memory, social interaction and learning abilities, and can keep them as sharp as they can be as pets’ age. 

“By taking a more proactive approach, there may be an ability  to slow the brain’s decline often experienced among pets as they get older. “Humans understand the need for additional nutrients to live healthily, so it’s imperative that pet owners are aware of similar nutritional breakthroughs available for their pets that help slow the changes associated with aging.”

The BPB can improve cognitive function – thinking abilities and memory – in cats between 5 - and 8-years old. Plans call for the new BPB to be added to select Purina products for cats or dogs in the next 12-18 months. The effects of the BPB on dogs and hopes to eventually offer the solution to both species are still evaluating.

The BPB can be added to pet food and is comprised of a unique formulation including key ingredients such as fish oil, B vitamins, and antioxidants and the essential amino acid, arginine.

“All of these nutrients may be present in the natural prey of cats and can be found in many types of foods. The launch of the BPB is the second phase of pronged approach to addressing cognitive decline in pets using extensive research techniques that focus on adding nutritional enhancements to pet food.

The first phase cantered on developing a neuron-targeted nutrition with a blend of nutrients based on medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) to improve memory function in senior dogs. Typically, cognitive decline is a slow and gradual process that begins in middle age and can be linked to a drop in brain glucose metabolism that occurs as dogs age. The outcome often results in memory loss, reduced social interaction, learning impairment and disorientation.

MCTs are nutrients sourced from vegetable oils such as coconut oil. A breakthrough diet blend containing MCTs is an innovative way to provide fuel to a pet’s brain.

A research study confirmed significant improvements in behaviour and cognition in as little as 30 days when senior dogs were fed diets with MCTs. Improvements were seen in attention span, trainability, decision making and overall cognitive function. Cognitive decline also occurs in cats and Purina is currently researching ways to include MCTs in cat food.

Cognitive Decline in Pets a Growing Concern

Some pet owners associate mobility problems to physical issues that come from adulthood without realizing that a lot of these issues actually stem from cognitive decline. This can end in pets forgetting the way to perform normal functions like employing a litter box or finding a food bowl.

研究发现,11-12 岁的狗中 28% 有一种或多种精神问题迹象,15-16 岁的狗中 68% 有一种或多种精神问题迹象。在猫中,11-14 岁的猫中 28% 有认知能力下降的迹象,15 岁及以上时这一比例上升至 50%。

根据 Penn Schoen Berland 于 2014 年 4 月开展并由 Purina 发布的一项调查,有 37% 的狗主人养的狗年龄超过 7 岁。这意味着,由于认知能力下降,一大批宠物主人可能很快就会面临与宠物健康相关的问题。不幸的是,51% 的狗主人并不知道,由于衰老,狗可能会出现认知能力下降的副作用。

然而,将重点扩大到寻找能够增强宠物在幼年时期的认知能力并促进长期大脑健康的营养选择。根据 4 月份的调查,如果宠物将来能够保持大脑健康,83% 的狗主人会考虑在幼年时期给宠物喂食优质食物。


自 1986 年 Purina 开始开展突破性的“寿命研究”来研究犬类饮食以来,已有 400 多名 Purina 科学家、兽医和营养学家研究衰老对宠物的影响。自 2001 年以来,研究人员一直在研究健康营养对宠物大脑健康的好处,2009 年 Purina 成为第一家推出基于 MCT 的营养混合物的公司。Purina 还在努力解决宠物的其他衰老问题,包括眼部护理和体重管理。




潘元龙毕业于中国甘肃农业大学,获得医学学士学位。他在美国弗吉尼亚理工大学获得动物营养学博士学位,在美国北卡罗来纳大学格林斯伯勒分校获得人类营养学博士学位。1996 年至 2000 年,他在维克弗斯特大学医学院从事更年期和认知领域的研究。2000 年,他加入雀巢普瑞纳研究中心。他发表了 18 多篇论文,并获得 78 项专利。他因在合作中取得的杰出科学成就而荣获圣路易斯科学院 2016 年度乔治·恩格尔曼跨学科奖,并成为圣路易斯科学院院士。

注:该研究部分于 2017 年 5 月 29 日至 30 日在日本大阪举行的第 10 届世界营养与食品科学大会上发表。

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