




1. 接受个性:个性是个人的独特或与众不同的性格;是将一个人或事物与另一个人或事物区分开来的品质或品质集合。个性需要齐心协力去了解和解释每个学生的现实和价值观。我们还必须学会接受定义学生独特性的特征和品质——无论是积极的还是消极的——因为接受这些属性最终意味着接受学生的价值,从而带来更大的幸福感和内心的平衡。所以我们需要关注他们个人的潜力。 

2. 动机:动机是一个刺激和激励身体和精神活动朝着特定目标前进的过程。学习动机是学术研究的驱动力,它被认为是决定学生是否完成学校或大学课程的有效因素。学习动机的重要性在于,有上进心的学生对学习活动和在教育环境中取得成就表现出更大的兴趣。学生缺乏学习动机会导致学业成绩下降。由于护理专业与人们的生活有关,因此缺乏动力可能会对护理产生破坏性影响,并间接影响公共健康。由于动机和学习密切相关,因此我们必须努力激励和鼓励学生实现他们的目标。 

3. 赋权:赋权是指提供适当的工具、资源和环境来建立、发展和提高他人的能力和效率,从而为个人和社会目的设定和实现目标的人际过程。支持性导师在赋权护理学生方面发挥着关键作用,对于护理专业来说,支持他们承担导师角色至关重要。赋权护理学生的结果是高度自尊、学习动力和对实习的积极关注。

4. 提供良好的环境:为了取得更好的成果,我们必须注重提供有利于学习现实的环境,并培养创造性思维和智力刺激。 

5. Inculcating Reflective thinking process: Reflection allows nurses to explore clinical experiences and the thoughts and feelings associated with the experience, allowing for a change in beliefs and assumptions, emergence of new knowledge, and a transformation of clinical practice. This will help students to realize their core feelings and experience and help them to apply in the practical aspect. 

6. Streamlining the syllabus /curricula as per the need in the society or the emerging health care needs: Continuous curricular modifications are an essential phenomenon in nursing academia to level learning with the rapidly evolving professional practice. This can be done by updating with more evidence-based research and also evaluating the health needs or demands of the society from time to time. 

7. Evaluating Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Emotional intelligence is very important in the development of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills of nursing students. To maintain nursing as science and art, these skills need to be gained within the process of nursing education. The evaluation system should not only be limited to formative and summative evaluation of curricula, there must be the provision of evaluating the emotional intelligence of the students and the faculties so that there will be better outcomes in nursing education. 

8. Teaching more nursing leadership skills: To achieve the expected outcome of the Nursing Education at the end of the course, we should teach and train the students more of nursing leadership skills from the first year of the nursing course. This can be achieved by the creation of a leadership development program and fostering leaders’ emotional intelligence.

9. Inter-professional collaboration: Inter-professional collaboration is defined as "when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, caregivers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care." Inter-professional collaboration fosters trust and respect between all healthcare providers and encourages the practice of treating nurses as equals with physicians. This can be accomplished by attending multidisciplinary rounds. As Health Care service is a collaborative approach it needs to focus on Interprofessional collaboration for more advanced skills and practice. 

10. Advance technology: We must take the help of advanced technology. It accelerates our service and expands our learning and experience. We must include computer-assisted thinking programs, video conferencing and web-based conference, e-learning, del e-learning. 

11. 最新技术:应将包括高保真模拟在内的最新技术纳入护理教育,以获得更好的结果。使用高保真模拟将激发批判性思维、实践决策和解决问题的技能。这将间接弥合临床教学与课堂环境之间的差距。

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