1. 时机:当我说时机时,它与时钟无关,而是关于您在与朋友和同事讨论时选择正确词语的时间。
2. 应变智力:领导者必须具备情境智力,以应对任何突然出现的复杂情况。作为领导者,我们必须以第三者的身份仔细观察情况,从各方的角度考虑情况以及决策的结果。在紧急情况下,要考虑以下因素,以确保您的决策有助于组织避免陷入困境,要考虑如何妥善处理情感创伤,以恢复人心,维持团结的信任,在紧急情况下保持冷静,以观察者的身份进行分析,让自己置身于情境之外一段时间,真诚而冷静地全面分析这些因素,才能做出公正、善良和卓越的决策。
3. Positional Intelligence: A leader must possess the intelligence of appointing people at the right time and identifying their expertise areas and positioning them to their expertise area to raise the organization with excellence and utilizing their expertise in the most effective way that must be aligned to the objectives of the organization and its vision. Positional intelligence is the most important factor for organizational growth and development.
4. Decision Making: Decision-making is the most important element of organizational efficiency and once it's handled with the right attitude considering the variables attached and bringing out stable strategies to witness the positive and efficient outcome.
5. Empathy: Heart and Mind are two major elements that act as the backbone of our decisions, actions, reactions, and judgment. When your heart encourages kindness and love towards everyone, then comes the major end of the threats that can hurt the team spirit of love and togetherness.
6. Locus of self-control: When we interact in the organization, there are internal and external variables that affect the functioning of the organization and people, and to have control over these variables, we need to have major control over the variables within our heart and mind once we settle and align our thoughts in the right direction, we control all the conditions, reactions and judgment internally and externally. To understand it better I believe to eradicate air, water, and land pollution, first, we need to eradicate the most important pollution that results in all kinds of pollution, which is Mind pollution, once we eradicate the pollution in our thoughts then we eradicate all the problems resulting in through different ways. Everything around you and within you come into control with your thoughts, actions, and beliefs of understanding each other’s point of view, accepting the fact of freedom of expression of thoughts and suggestions by the team, control over the reactions to different situations with appropriate verbal and nonverbal reactions to situations.
7. Interpersonal skills: The efficiency of communication is directly linked with your thought process that is being guided by your heart, when we align our thoughts to words, our communication improves efficiently internally and externally .verbal and non-verbal communication, both play an important role to connect and build relationships as it’s the way we interact with people that represents our heart and mind to the other person, make your communication as pleasant as possible with logic, care, love, kindness, and trust. Non-verbal communication includes your body language and especially your eyes that give trust to another person's heart that you care and love the person with utmost sincerity and want the best for him.
8. 积极性:积极性不仅仅局限于一直往好的地方想,它基本上是关于理解人们双方的情况,一旦我们开始理解另一个人对他的情况、经历和个人问题的反应和判断,我们对发生在他身上和周围的一切的态度就会发生惊人的变化,一旦我们开始以第三人称的角度分析情况,考虑到情况的各个方面,我们就会以适当的方式理解每个问题,从而立即解决每个问题,并结束消极的理解和反应。组织因积极性而蓬勃发展。
9. 激情:要想在生活中的任何领域出类拔萃,首先我们需要热爱那个特定的事物、思想和愿景,并尽最大努力,当你开始热爱你想在生活中做的事情时,你就会开始追求卓越,这就定义了你的激情。激情的主要成分是真诚、诚实、爱和奉献。