高强度甜味剂 (HIS) 通常用于食品、饮料和一些口服药物中,作为糖的替代品或替代物,提供不含热量的甜味。HIS 需求量很大,因为它具有多种优势,包括帮助人们减肥或避免肥胖,以及帮助糖尿病患者控制血糖水平。已知的第一种高强度甜味剂是糖精,于 1878 年被发现。从那时起,科学家发现了几种其他高强度甜味剂,它们比蔗糖更甜,但不含热量。一些公认的甜味剂是植物文件(甜菊糖苷和罗汉果甜苷)、半合成肽(阿斯巴甜和纽甜)和非天然化学品(糖精、安赛蜜、三氯蔗糖和甜蜜素)。
天然来源的高强度甜味剂 (HIS) 是指天然甜味剂,被认为是安全的,具有 GRAS 地位。从甜叶菊叶中提取的两种天然甜味剂莱鲍迪苷-A 和从罗汉果 (Monck 水果) 中提取的罗汉果甜苷分别在 2008 年和 2010 年被认为是安全的,具有 GRAS 地位。半合成肽如阿斯巴甜和纽甜以及合成化学品如糖精三氯蔗糖、乙酰磺胺酸钾和甜蜜素不是天然的,是指人工甜味剂。这些人工甜味剂在获得批准之前必须经过人类和动物测试的广泛安全评估,并且必须符合包括孕妇和儿童在内的消费者食用的相同安全标准。在美国,这些人工甜味剂被 FDA 批准为可安全用作食品、饮料和药品中的食品添加剂甜味剂。由于高强度甜味剂比食糖(蔗糖)甜得多,因此需要较少量的高强度甜味剂即可达到与食品中的糖相同的甜度。
Plus the availability of a variety of low-calorie sweeteners for use in foods expands the capability to develop reduced-calorie products that better meet consumer needs and desires. In addition, blending some low-calorie sweeteners in foods and beverages may also act synergistically to produce the desired level of sweetness with smaller amounts of each sweetener and resulting taste frequently meets consumer expectations of a sweetness outline close to that of sugar. People may choose to use high-intensity sweeteners (HIS) in place to sugars for a number of reasons, including to these HIS do not contribute calories or only contribute a few calories to the diet. High Intensive sweeteners ,assist people in losing weight, avoiding obesity diseases and other health associated with high caloric intake by replacing common sugars such as sucrose, dextrose, high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup in foods and beverages with these non-nutritive, zero calorie high intensive sweeteners without changing people’s diet habits and taste. Assist diabetics to control their blood sugar levels without scarifying their regular diets and taste. Also, Patients with reactive hypoglycaemia producing excess insulin after the break down of complex carbohydrates or sucrose in their diets into glucose that is released into the blood stream and quickly metabolized causing blood glucose levels to fall below the proper level for the body and brain function. As a result, these patients like diabetes, must avoid consuming foods containing high-glycaemic index ingredients such as complex carbohydrates or sucrose and must choose foods containing sugars substitutes such as the high intensive sweeteners as alternative. There are other several advantages for the application of high intensive sweetener in foods, beverages, candies, chewing gums and other products. For example, these High intensive sweeteners are non-fermentable by oral micro flora. This non fermentable property helps consumers to prevent dental plaque and decay.
Other examples that benefits both consumer and manufacturers are the wide range stability of pH and temperature for these high intensive sweeteners that allows its applications in products required long shelf life at room temperature. Consumers’ concern for weight management is the major market demand for these zero calorie high intensity sweeteners as a replacement for sugars in their diets and the worldwide consumption of these low calorie high-intensity sweeteners is largely dependent on the production of diet carbonated soft drinks and low-calorie foods. Beverages market are the largest end-use for these high-intensity sweeteners, followed by foods, table top sweeteners, personal care products (such as toothpaste), and pharmaceuticals. The World Health Organization estimates that there are over a billion people globally who are overweight and over 400 million of which are obese. Unfortunately, these numbers are expected to continue increasing and the market demand for these zero calorie, non-nutritive High intensive sweeteners (HIS) will increase. It is estimated that the global market of high intensive sweeteners for the year 2014 was 9.4 billion and it is expected to reach 9.9 billion by the year 2016. The old discovery Saccharine is the only high intensive sweeteners that is facing tough competition from the newly discovered competitors and its market demand continue declining. Despite these zero calorie high intensity sweeteners are approved by FDA in United States and by similar organization in other countries and are recommended by physician or registered dietician for a large segments of the population for several health reasons, some people continue to question the safety of these low calorie high intensity sweeteners in their diets. In United States, FDA continues to maintain and review scientific literatures on the safety of these approved high intensive sweeteners in foods, beverages and other products. In the case of new evidence suggested that a product containing the approved low calorie high intensity sweetener is unsafe, FDA is responsible to review such suggestion and take the proper action. Even, these extensive safety evaluations by FDA and by other similar organizations worldwide it did not change the safety concern of some people worldwide.
这些高强度甜味剂已被美国食品药品管理局 (FDA) 和其他国家类似机构批准用于食品、饮料、膳食补充剂和药品中,是安全的。食品、饮料、膳食补充剂和药品中使用的这些非营养性高强度甜味剂的含量得到了 FDA 和世界其他安全机构的批准每日摄入量 (ADI) 的支持。这个 ADI 水平比实验室研究显示的安全剂量低 100 倍。据估计,全球对 HIS 的需求超过 90 亿美元,并且还在增长。全球市场上唯一正在减少的 HIS 是旧发现的甜味剂糖精。
Osama O Ibrahim 是一位经验丰富的首席研究科学家,尤其擅长微生物学、分子生物学、食品安全和药物及食品成分的生物加工领域。他精通微生物筛选/培养改良;抗生素、酶、治疗性蛋白质、有机酸和食品香料的分子生物学和发酵研究;代谢途径和酶动力学、酶固定化、生物转化和分析生物化学的生物化学。他曾担任卡夫食品与大学分子生物学和微生物筛选研究项目的外部研究联络人,并拥有三项生物加工专利。2005 年 1 月,他接受了卡夫食品的提前退休提议,并于同年成立了自己的生物技术公司,为新成立的生物技术和食品公司提供技术和营销咨询。他以优异的成绩获得了生物化学学士学位,并获得了微生物生理学/发酵和应用微生物学两个硕士学位。他获得了纽约医学院基础医学博士学位(微生物学、免疫学和分子生物学)。自 1979 年起,他担任美国化学学会会员、美国
注: 该研究部分在 2015 年 10 月 26 日至 28 日在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥举行的第四届国际营养会议和展览会上展示。