
Prevalence and Association of Dry Socket in Oral Health and Dental Management

Ali Hussain Khan

Objective: To find the frequency, prevalence and risk factor/s associated with Dry Socket at a university hospital in Karachi. Material and methods: This prospective cross sectional study was performed in the Oral and Maxillofacial Department at a private university hospital. A total number of 1246 in as many patients extractions were carried out and the patients were requested to come back if any complications such as pain were experienced up to one week after extraction. On follow-up visit, patients were examined for the signs of dry socket. Questionnaires based on two sections were distributed to all operators: a) information inquiring the demographic profile of the patient together with systemic diseases; smoking status; consumption of antibiotics; and oral contraceptives. b) The patients’ compliance to post-operative instructions, technique of anesthesia, level of experience, and location of tooth or teeth extracted were recorded. Results: A total of 41 (3.3%) extractions were found to be effected by dry socket in patients between ages of 11 to 80 years old. There was a slightly higher but statistically insignificant prevalence of dry socket noted in female 3.7% as compared to male 2.6%. 30 people were noted as heavy smokers (consuming >15 cigarettes per day). Following extractions, in those who smoked the prevalence of dry socket was statistically higher in smokers. 6.1% of the smokers developed dry sockets, as compared to 1.9% non-smokers. The prevalence of dry socket was significantly higher in Mandibular extractions (8.35%) than in maxillary extraction cases (1.4%). Conclusion: The prevalence of dry socket was significantly higher in smokers. There were more incidences of dry socket following open extraction as opposed closed extractions. Patients’ medical history, age, gender, medications (pre/postoperative), extraction site and indication for extraction had no association with the development of dry socket.