体积 19, 问题 8 (2022)


Acute Respiratory Distress in Children: Epidemiological Profile, Diagnosis and Evolution at the Dakar Hospital

  • Yaay Joor Koddu Biige Dieng, Guillaye Diagne, Abou BA , Idrissa Demba BA, Babacar Mbaye, Ousmane Ndiaye


Effect of Different Durations of Shawkea DE-T1 Administration on Blastocyst Obtained Rate in Women Receiving IVF-ET Treatment: A Secondary Analysis of a Cohort Study

  • Hui Shao, Munehiro Nakamoto, Yoji Yamaguchi, Toshiaki Nozaki, Xi Dong, Dongzi Yang, Shuang Jiao, Weifen Deng, Shoji Kokeguchi, Masahide Shiotani